As I have been self employed for most of my 25 Years of experience, I have had the opportunity to produce more projects than can or should be shown here are it would be very repetitive. My Self employed Slogan was "I Make Small Business Look BIG".
In my experience, I had gotten one client then recommended to other clients so my clients have mainly been in the Food and Beverage Business, Administrative Healthcare, Health Care Technologies Multi Level Marketing, Autism Educational Support as well as New Thought Personalities and Spiritual themed Tele-summit Marketing.
As you peruse my stuff ... Please keep in mind that these designs are the product of a span of 25 plus years and like fashion, I acknowledge that there are trends in design and I always spend time researching the trends of today before considering a design. Should I be hired, I can confirm that my designs will be contemporary and effective. As well I consider the feelings I would like evoked when my graphics are designed.

Logo Design
Logo design is always a staple of a graphic artists work and the same goes for me. These samples are a complication of branding I have done for clients as well as friends and family. I enjoy doing them and admittedly it can be time consuming when working with people who are new to having design services and it becomes apparent they don't really know what they want so I have learned to walk them through the process expecting to provide lots of symbols with a variety of feelings and then we work it down from there. For example.. I literally have pages of versions for the client "Pragmatic Success", however we managed to get something she felt represented her and her business. She wanted a bridge concept as her company was bridging ... ironically her business was executive coaching. I see on your site you offer unlimited revisions and I am ok with being exceptionally patient.

Honestly, making posters are one of the most enjoyable projects I can get.. I like to make them fun and effective. I have also worked on Billboards but that was with the Public Relations Agency and I didn't keep any samples

Menu Design
From what I can remember, I was given my first referral to design a menu from the computer graphic course I completed (who btw also hired me to do their marketing upon graduation) and from there, it was like dominoes, word of mouth has always been my blessing. I grew up in the restaurant industry as my parents bought a restaurant in my teen years in addition to my undying commitment to waitressing and cooking, I designed our menus for a gift for my parents and I offered not just design work but I also did the copy writing for each item. I know these are graphic heavy but in the early 90s this was the style and themed restaurants were popular. Enjoy! If you get hungry looking at these, then my job is done! the Echo Queen was in the USA and saw my menus on my web site and contracted me to do theirs

Print Advertising and Campaigns
As I have mentioned previously I had taken a Computer Graphics course to enable me to enter the world of digital graphic design. The school was so impressed with my design abilities that they hired me to design their advertising brochures and I got referrals from other local businesses in Peterborough from their connections. Also included is work I have done for my USA clients in more recent years. I have also worked with clients who are starting up their businesses with most of my clients. Also, I worked with the launch of Amega and Zeropoint Global which were MLM companies that sold energy charged products. I enjoy helping others along in their entrepreneurial journey. As well, thanks to my production management experience, I sourcing and branded the right packaging for the Amega sales materials, I have also designed Car wraps which I do not have photos for, but work well with suppliers to make sure they get the proper art suited to their needs.

Book and E-Book Covers
As with my New Thought and Self Improvement Clients I got through doing the Tele-summits, having a Book to promote or E-Book as a free give-away on their web sites to build their email lists were part of the job. I enjoyed doing these and again, try to evoke a feeling when looking at these covers .... even if it is a chuckle. These samples also include the 1984, 1st Edition of Bob Proctors "You were Born Rich". If you don't know who he is, please google him, he became an icon in the Self Help Industry. I feel honored that I was able to do the first edition design of a now classic book. Sure, the design is now outdated but again, wanted to evoke an emotion and at the time, the look was attractive and effective. The second edition as it gained traction was typical of the books today.

Web Site and Supporting Graphics
Since the beginning of my digital career as a Graphic Designer, I have had many clients looking for web sites and did my best to keep up with web design techniques using Dreamweaver and then as Web Creation Evolved, I worked with Programmers to provide them with needed graphics because "Dammit Jim!, I am an artist, not a computer programmer!" Lucky for me, and my smaller clients, Do-it-yourself drag and drop web site services helped me to be able to independently as well as I liked the idea that my clients could manage their web sites easily should I be "hit by a bus". I used weebly myself but know there is Squarespace as well as even this site is created by Webador, which I was pleasantly surprised is a Canadian Company. I was able to , with the help of outside products complimentary with weebly I was able to create a membership site as well with a free area and a premium area. It took a lot of figuring out but I managed to MacGyver it to work into a membership with a premium paid site for access to workshops free workshops as well as a store for all of Christopher Tims' workshops and that is still working to this day. If you are interested in looking at it www.bluestarcommunity.com

Social Media Memes are a completely subjective medium. I enjoy researching and creating memes that are effective and fun. These samples were from a spiritual personality who taught akashic reading and wanted to make sure she always had a fresh message for her social media friends.. this is just a small sample of all I have done for her and I realize these are very woo woo .. but for her they worked.. I love doing these and can create them fairly quickly. I can also do direct simple memes as well .. I just need the client and I will create according to their needs.. also .. if they need help, I am a pretty talented copywriter.

I noticed that you touched on animated gifs and the nice thing about being old school, I never shied away from doing animated gifs. As you can see from the Blue Star Logo, even though it was a very complicated animation, I have used that animation in many forms. Also the bonus is that Photoshop can take an animation .psd and render it as an MP4 Video. It's come a long way!

Wanna Talk?
I would LOVE to hear from you and discuss my strengths and what I have to offer

Call Me!
416 409 0069
200 Balliol St
Toronto, ON