Thriving Through the Evolution of Graphic Design

Hi there!

I was so happy to find your listing for a Remote Graphic Designer with experience working independently since I completely fit that bill! I have been in the graphic design game since the late 1980s as well as have evolved into today's digital market. As a single mother, with the use of computers, I have been able to work from my home and feel more comfortable doing so. 

If there is anything that stands out for me as a designer, is that I design to evoke an emotion. Which obviously is the feeling required  to purchase whatever product I am marketing. 

I really enjoy what I do as well as I consider it a favorite pastime. Admittedly, I had retired early in 2017 as my now ex-husband had retired in 2015. However, between the Pandemic and Retirement, it became very apparent that my graphic arts business was masking the reality that we were happier apart. Since my divorce, I have set myself up in a "woman-cave" apartment, surrounded with my favorite things and my custom colourful Computer System. (See Mission Control Photo Below). People think that I am a "gamer" when they see my set up but frankly, I just like bright colours and it looks really cool.

So after taking a couple of years off to enjoy my freedom with the help of my settlement, I have since done some work for a friend  and realized how much I missed doing graphic design work. So I started looking at opportunities with the condition of securing remote work, as that is what I do best and I am now a single mom to 2 cats and 1 dog, so was so thrilled to find your listing, it feels like we were looking for each other :) 

I invite you to peruse my online portfolio and please know that as you look at my samples, that they span decades of work and, as I have in the past, know that I am perfectly capable of designing to today's trends. And eager to dig my heels in and get busy !

Putting a Face to my Resume!

I Designed the 1st Cover of Bob Proctor's Book "You Were Born Rich"

In 1984, I was working with a Commercial Photographer designing advertising materials in conjunction with his photography. One day a print shop owner we worked with came in and asked if I could design a book cover called "You were Born Rich" ... with emphasis on the Born Rich ...

So I did the design to their satisfaction, and then about a month later, I was visiting my parents and they handed me a book and it was the one I designed. I asked where they got it and they told me to open it.

There was in inscription that said "George and Diane,  You have a very talented daughter" Apparently their close friends were related to Bob Proctor and when they saw the book, they recognized the name on the credit (see photo) and asked my parents if that was me, after connecting the book printers with me, they had it inscribed and sent them a copy. Small World!

My  mother said that he had quit his job as a firefighter and was going to be a "guru" as she rolled her eyes when saying it like her friends' family did ... I guess Bob got the last laugh ... he not only made it but he was an icon in the self help arena. 

Of course there have been many different printings of the book but it's pretty cool for me that I designed the first one.

"I achieved 1st-page Google search visibility for "graphic artist"

This was way back in 1998 when Google was in its infancy ... I was a single mom just graduated from a computer graphics upgrade course and registered the web site domain "" I know, too long but back then .. I was still new.

So as a single mom in my off time I was surfing and looking for work online and whenever it asked for my web site I put the domain name for my web site, Introducing myself as Susan Hilton Graphic Artist ..

I wasn't trying anything specific, as I was new to the internet, as was most people .. but all of a sudden I started getting inquiries about my services and these were from clients in the USA .. they told me they found me on Google and sure enough, I typed in Graphic Artist and there I was! FIRST PAGE ... I had no idea how it worked but of course now realize that the more  they find the term graphic artist for  a particular person all over the web, they gave them higher ranking ... so I was blessed with gaining some pretty great clients like Aho Consulting and BPR, who stayed with me for well over a decade. And I must admit the exchange rate was pretty lucrative. 

Admittedly, I got a bit cocky, when asked if I was good at getting visibility and I would say "type in graphic artist on google and you tell me" ... I knew about meta tags by that time too .. but I also knew it was a fluke within a year, I was well buried but it was a feather in my cap and fun while it lasted :)

I Have Never had to Solicit Clients

I may not be alone but to my delight, once I complete work for a client it spawned into more and more clients. For example, I did a menu for a client and next thing I knew I had inquiries from a few more restaurants to do their menus.

Also, I had a family friend in who did computer work for an MLM start up in Utah and he put me onto one of the top sellers who was looking for a graphic artist, so I started doing work for her, she is so happy with my work she asks if I would be willing to move to Utah so it would be easier to do work for her. Since a graphic artist qualifes for a TN Visa, I did .. then when she decided to move onto another product, I was offered to go to Florida to work for another top seller for them and so I did a couple of years there.

After that, I was approached by a colleague of the first woman in Utah who was doing a start up for another MLM and asked if I wanted to help with the launch of his new MLM organization, and I did work for him ..

Also, at the time, I had an interest in the metaphysical and met a mystic teacher who ran a mystery school in Florida, and after taking the course, I moved back to Ontario as my TN Visa was up and he called me asking if I would be interested in working on his web site...

He also had a friend who did promotion work to get his name out there, and got him booked into New Age "telesummits" which were basically phone infomercials.

I created product shots and MP3 covers for a sales package for him and next thing I know the people who ran the telesummits asked me to do work for them as well as recommended me to other speakers for work for them. That kept me busy until my retirement in 2017. 

Unless it had been by choice, I have always enjoyed a busy succesful career. And like my Slogan was, I Made Small Business LOOK BIG!

Mission Control

First Printing of Bob Proctor's Book

Wanna Talk?

I would LOVE to hear from you and discuss my strengths and what I have to offer 

Call Me!
416 409 0069 


200 Balliol St

Toronto, ON